Boris Johnson greets the media with cups of tea

世の中に怒ることは多々あれど、笑っちゃうこともある。Boris Johnson. ヒジャブやブルカを着用する女性を「郵便ポストみたいだ」、「銀行強盗みたいだ」と言い放ち顰蹙を買い、メディアに追いかけられ、ユーモアなのか皮肉なのか、天然のままなのか、Oxfordshierの自宅に押し掛ける記者さんたちに、でっかい、上品とはいい難いマグカップにドバっと紅茶を入れて、「まぁ、まぁ、お茶でもどうぞ!」という。批判を浴びるのは承知の上だと思うけど、そのユーモアに思わず大笑い、Boris。 君はおかしすぎる!

“I have nothing to say about this matter except to offer you some tea…

Steve Bannon claimed Boris Johnson had "nothing to apologise for" over burka comments
Eaton-Oxford Statesman

Tory investigation into Boris Johnson burka comments must not be ‘whitewash’

The row over Boris Johnson’s burka comments is rumbling on. Credit: PA
The Conservative Party’s investigation into Boris Johnson’s controversial comments over the burka cannot be a “whitewash” the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) has said.

Following the former foreign secretary’s comments that Muslim women who wear the burka look like “letter-boxes” or “bank robbers”, the MCB’s letter to Theresa May is expected to state that “no-one should be allowed to victimise minorities with impunity”.
Miqdaad Versi, the Assistant Secretary General of the MCB, told ITV News that there must be “transparency” around the investigation into the comments, which were a “a deliberate action to stoke tensions”.
「ブルカ」発言で非難されるジョンソン前英外相 質問答えず記者にお茶を

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