人体と骨, in English


Full skeleton of the human body
What is the skeletal system made of? What does the skeletal system do? At the simplest level, the skeleton is the framework that provides structure to the rest of the body and facilitates movement. The skeletal system includes over 200 bones, cartilage, and ligaments.
Ligaments and cartilage in the human body
The Skeletal System Consists Of More Than Bones
Overview of the variety of bones
The Adult Human Skeleton Is Made Up of 206 Bones
Example of four types of flat bones
Flat Bones Protect Internal Organs
Examples of 9 Long bones found in the body
 Long Bones Support Weight and Facilitate Movement


human skeletal system
Front and back views of the human skeleton.
human vertebral column
human rib cage
human hip and pelvis
Anterior view of the hip and pelvis, showing attachment of ligaments to the femur, ilium, ischium, and pubis.
bones of the shoulder
Anterior view of the bones of the right shoulder,
muscles of the back; human muscle system
muscles of the shoulder; human muscle system
muscles of the abdominal wall
skeletons of humans and gorillas compared
The skeletal structure of a human being (left) and of a gorilla (right). Several differences allow the human to walk erect on two legs with a striding gait rather than move in a knuckle-walking fashion like the gorilla.