Roger Mac Ginty’s Everyday Peace Indicators


Short video on the ideas behind the Everyday Peace Indicators project.


Want to ruin your day? Here’s a mercifully short video of me talking about my research.



Roger  1月12日 14:48 ·



2015/06/15 に公開

An introduction to the Humanitarian and Conflict Response Institute and our work.


もうひとりManchester Univの、聞き取りやすい英語のRichmond先生の短いレクチャーはこちら 



I call for an international coalition of friendly nations to come together to save the United States from itself. In the name of peace and human rights, this coalition of the willing will effect regime change and install a Coalition Provisional Authority. After a new constitution is written by foreign experts, elections will be held. Only approved parties and candidates may stand. Under a process of “De-Baathificationバース党員の排除 “, no members of existing political parties will be able to stand for office. All US national and private assets will be on sale for foreign speculators.
Who’s in?


Rogerも過激だけど、だれよりも過激に機関銃のようにコメントを出し、議会で議論を吹っ掛けまくっているのはBernie Sandars,だ。


昨日 3:47 ·

What a shock. Despite Trump’s assertions that he was going to stand up for working people it turns out that Wall Street and Goldman Sachs are still running the show – and the Trump administration. Among many other billionaires in the Trump administration is Gary D. Cohn, the departing president of Goldman Sachs and Trump’s new director of the National Economic Council. Upon leaving Goldman Sachs, Cohn just received an exit package of $285 million. Yes, $285 million.(33億円)


23時間前 ·

Why shouldn’t Mr. Andrew Puzder become Secretary of Labor? He has all the qualifications to become a perfect fit for the Trump administration. He’s a billionaire. He pays his employees starvation wages. He receives an enormous amount of corporate welfare as taxpayers are forced to provide food stamps, Medicaid and publicly assisted housing to keep his low wage workers alive. And he knows nothing about the job he is about to take. Sounds like the perfect nominee.


17時間前 ·

The attacks against democracy in our country are increasingly dangerous. It is difficult to have serious debates on the issues if the president has no respect for truth. Further, Trump and Republican governors are working overtime to suppress the vote and make it harder for poor people, young people, people of color and seniors to participate in elections. As a result of the disastrous Citizens United Supreme Court decision billionaires are now finding it easier to purchase


‘The Economist’ Just Downgraded the US From a ‘Full Democracy’ to a ‘Flawed Democracy’
And the problem is a lot bigger than Donald Trump.
By John Nichols TwitterJANUARY 26, 2017

A woman exits the voting booth after filling out her ballot for the U.S presidential election at the James Weldon Johnson Community Center in the East Harlem neighbourhood of Manhattan, New York City


The United States is no longer a full democracy, according to the highly regarded Economist Intelligence Unit, which each year compiles a Democracy Index that “provides a snapshot of the state of democracy worldwide for 165 independent states and two territories.”

“The US, a standard-bearer of democracy for the world, has become a ‘flawed democracy,’ as popular confidence in the functioning of public institutions has declined,” explains the introduction to the freshly released Democracy Index.

That would be a troubling announcement in any week.

But coming in the first week of the presidency of Donald Trump, a man who has claimed that election systems are “rigged,” who lies about supposed “voter fraud” and who attacks the media outlets who call him out for those lies, the announcement is all the more unsettling.


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