



「FTより」 米国民、オバマ氏を惜しむ

It was tempting to believe history had turned a page. Alas, posterity may see Barack Obama’s 2008 election as a detour from the path an angry America took after 9/11.

Mr Obama called for an open dialogue with the Muslim world. Donald Trump and his team have all but declared war on Islam. Mr Obama believed there was no problem that could not be salved by reason. Mr Trump has opposite instincts. Whatever precise form Mr Trump’s administration takes, we know this: Mr Obama’s legacy will be purged. In many cases all it will take is the stroke of Mr Trump’s pen.

The Obama erasure will go far deeper than undoing domestic laws, or foreign deals. Mr Trump will repeal Obamacare, or alter it beyond recognition. He will “keep an open mind” about whether to pull the US out of the Paris agreement on climate change and quite probably blow up the US-Iran nuclear deal. These acts would undo Mr Obama’s most visible achievements. Less obvious ones, such as the ban on Arctic drilling and enhanced interrogation techniques and the intention of closing Guantánamo Bay (never completed) will also be consigned to the dustbin. It will be as if Mr Obama was never here.


 トランプ氏が直感であれこれツイートすればするほど、米国民は、問題の是非を冷静に検討するオバマ氏の態度を高く評価する。「ドラマなきオバマ」(注:no drama Obama=冷静な大統領をからかう表現)は、トランプ氏に成功する機会を与えるべきだとさえ訴えている。オバマ氏は米ニューヨーカー誌に「この世の終わりが来るまで、何事もこの世の終わりではないと思う」と語っている。


Barack Obama a sulking Achilles or something else? こちら

このブログで書いた記事、Yoko Ono, Screaming!オバマ大統領の広島, 2016



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